

So late in the day

So late in the day
Claire Keegan
ISBN 978-0-571-38202-6

 ‘I just don’t know about this stuff, that’s all.’
  ‘Which stuff? My stuff?’
  ‘These things. All your things. All this.’
 ‘Did you think I would come with nothing?’
 ‘It’s just a lot.’ He’d tried to explain.
 ‘A lot? I do not have so very much.’
 ‘Just a lot to deal with.’
 ‘What did you imagine?’
 ‘I cannot understand,’ she told him. ‘You knew I have to leave the flat in Rather by the end of the month. You asked me to come here, to marry you.’
 ‘I just d didn’t think it would be like this, is all,’ he said. ‘I just thought about your being here and having dinner, waking up with you. Maybe it’s just too much reality.’
(P.19 -P.20)

この本のテーマのハイライトは主人公Cathalの父親と兄との食卓(母親は入らない)のシーンだと思うが、一番印象に残っているのがCathalの「I just thought about your being here」。


この本では男女の不均衡さが描かれている。SabineがCathalにする事は、彼女が負うべき彼への生活面、精神面、そしておそらく性的面でのケア・サポートであり、それらを当たり前に男は受け取る(消費するがいいのか?)。一方CathalがSabineにする事は彼にとってadditional cost。不要で無価値な負担となる。それはなぜか。


